Thursday, November 09, 2006

2.2 weeks to go

Two things that never fail to make me happy or cheer me up when i am down in football and music. For me, football is most enjoyable in the evening after an afternoon shower. (like today!) Its a great time to sleep, but its also a terrific time to run your heart out. I really suck, but I play mainly for the exercise anyway, and today was really fun. The feeling of a natural high, on endorphins. =)

Music; I remember one day when I was feeling particulary down after work and when I came home I just blasted music for an hour and I felt much better after that. It also helps when doing math and stuff, to be encased in a cocoon of your choice of noise, shutting out all other sounds from the outside. Too bad it doesnt help when writing essays or anything, i feel that its just distracting. Another bad thing is that the music can never compete with my father's yelling, so I can only blast music when no one is home haha.

Behold my l33t wrapping skills, I managed to mould this present into a blob of infinite dimensions! Too bad the picture doesnt do justice to my wonderful wrapping ability.

Oh crap I just realized I had a little more than 2 weeks to go.. I was under the impression that I had 3 weeks plus.. this is bad!!


Anonymous said...

whose birthday?

thewantonmeeanalyst said...

my sis..